Monday, September 21, 2009

Assignment 2 - Painting With Light

This is Patrick Glasson. My camera set up for this picture is f-stop 11, 15 second shutter speed, ISO 200. What I was going for in this picture was someone who looks into the mirror and sees them true selves. In this case, the person's true self needs help. The person in the mirror is communicating to himself by spelling help. The yellow lighting represents the caution he is in. I had Patrick write help into the mirror and then pose. Right when he posed i popped the flash with a yellow gel.

The camera set up for this picture is f-stop 11, shutter speed 25. and ISO 200. In this picture I tried to go for someone who is confused and bombarded. He is in a situation where he doesn't know what to do. How we did this is I had Patrick hold a flash light and just wave it all around his head. As soon as it was around 20 seconds he stopped and posed. Immediately I popped the flash.

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