Monday, November 2, 2009

Fashion Photography

I had a lot more fun with this assignment than I thought I would. I guess it was all in good company. These are two close friends of mine and they were a lot of fun to work with. The first picture is Dmytri Hryciw posing under a bridge near the Amtrak Station in Ann Arbor. F11, 1/125. ISO 200. The second scenario is Eryn Campbell and Dmytri Hryciw posing on the opposite side of the train tracks behind two storage shacks. I made this photo more about Eryn and tried to make her the focus of the photo. F 6.3, 1/125, ISO 200. The last scene is a runner up. It was one we did for fun and I liked it a lot. I almost used as one of my two proofs. F 6.3, 1/125, ISO 200.


  1. I dig these shots man, some of your best work I've seen so far.

  2. dude that first shot is money! love it! the angle is great and the lighting is just perfect! awesome job!!
